When you visit my blog you will find me blogging about the things I love;applique', crochet, quilting, photography, cooking, my three grandsons and my granddaughter.
A few more sweaters that I've made. I still need to add the ribbon ties. I really wanted the sweater below to fit Greg, but it didn't. I'm sure I will find a pattern to fit him soon.
Deb offered this great baby sweater. I whipped this little sweater up last night in no time. It was so fun I will be making more in different colors. These itty bitty sweater will be going in my etsy shop. Why can't I find a sweater pattern to fit me that is this easy?
I picked up some fabric to make some more lovelies. Lacy tagged along so she could help with the fabric choices that new mommies like. lol I would have never picked these fabrics for a baby. I guess I'm showing my age. I'm backing the lovlies with Northern Lights fleece. I hope to get some of these made today.
I really must decide what I'm going to call this quilt but so far I'm drawing a blank. Suggestions? I got this fabric to sew to the top of the squares, my flowers will go on it. I did get my rick rack sewn to the top and the top sewn to the bottom. Did that make sense? I didn't think so. ;)After a brief chat with Pat Sloan I feel much better about the top border not being the same as the bottom. I still have squares to add to each side border and lots more flowers to make.
I'll have lots of time to make flowers over the next few wks as I am babysitting 4 days /wk for the next 3 wks.
These will become flowers for my quilt that does not have a name. There are 60 triangles in the box and I will have 12 flowers when I'm done. Betsy showed the flowers on the black/white red quilt she made for her daughter. The instructions for the flowers can be found at Natalie Ross's blog.
I still need to cut this pile into 3 1/2" squares but they will not end up looking like the picture below, I have another plan for them. The picture is going the wrong way. Sorry. The squares will run across the bottom of the quilt, well, the bottom of the part that lays on the mattress.
When Lacy was born it was perfectly acceptable to give your child a stuffed animal. Well, not anymore. Now you give them a lovely. What is a lovely? A lovely is a small blanket that is approximately 10 1/2" backed with minkee. The loops are for toys but Greg doesn't like toys on his loops. This is my version of a lovely.
Remember me telling you Betsy sent me this package of 12 fat qtrs and asked me to make something for myself. As I was looking through the magazines, I held the pkg of fat qtrs in my lap. I was searching for a pattern that I could use the fat qtrs. Finally, I saw this. And I remembered that I had this.
Well my panel wasn't big enough sew I changed mine up just a bit. I cut the fat qtrs into 3 1/2" strips which eventually turned into 3 " squares.
After adding some of the squares, this is what it looked like and I was not happy. So I spent the morning doing the reverse stitch. On to plan B
Remember this quilt top?This is the quilt top that my quilt group was doing as a BOM when I moved from NM. The group has long since finished their tops and some even have them quilted. Well, I've been working on mine again.
Block 7 was School Days and was lots of fun since it was applique'.
Nikolas was sitting on the bed the other day when I was looking for fabric. He pulled the ugliest fabric I own out of the bin and firmly stated "Mine" Well, what was I too do but make a very small throw, afterall, I only had a yard of this ugly stuff. I backed the ugly fabric with black minkee and made a little boy happy.
I celebrate today with my family filled with a great many emotions.
Happy that we live in the greatest country on Earth, proud that Glenn & I served our country with the greatest pride one could have, humbled to know that there are many members of both sides of our family that have served this GREAT country to included Glenn's father who served in WWII and sacrificed everything he held dear to defend this country in order to make sure we continued to live in the greatest country on Earth and my Father who served in the US Army with great pride and risked everything dear to him while serving in Vietnam.
We do not take things for granted and teach our kids that life in this country is much more than a nice home, nice clothes to wear, more than enough food to eat and deciding about what to watch on TV. We teach them about what our founding fathers went through to make sure they and others to follow behind them had the freedom to make choices for themselves and could enjoy the fruits of life, given by God, without anyone making those choices for them. No one person is better than another, no matter how much money one has, what school one attended, where you live, what you wear, etc.
I ask everyone this holiday to remember the struggles that were overcome to build this country into the great land that it is. Also do not forget those who continue, without force, to serve our great country so that we may continue to live in this great land. These great, honorable, selfless individuals continue to be the reason why we can continue to live the lives that we have.
Also remember the two most important documents ever created in this world. Created with the blood, sweat, tears and ultimate sacrifices of those who were willing to die to make sure that there was a land where one could live and make choices for himself and not under the tyranny of a few people who looked down upon their fellow citizens.
I ask everyone to think about the direction the country is moving towards. It is NOT what our founding fathers and those who fought and lost their lives to start this country, wanted for themselves and those who followed. I know that all of their souls are being tortured right now with what is happening to what they held most dear in their hearts.
We are not continuing down that path but down one where a scant few think they deserve absolute power over the masses. It needs to stop, NOW! I ask everyone to remember that this government was built on the following premise:
Of the People
By the People
For the People
Those in Washington are suppose to be working for us. Not to control us. We are the BOSS, not them. I think it is time to remind everyone of that matter. No matter what office they hold. They are not above us. We are above them as far as who is in charge of this country! Do not let them forget that one important part of their job.
Please listen to the following if you want this country to continue how the founding fathers and citizens wanted.
I do wish every American a very Happy 4th of July! But do start standing up for your rights as an American citizen before they are taken from you. Do not let the fight and struggles that our founding fathers, first brave patriots, and those who serve our country now, go in vain. Enjoy the food, celebrations, fireworks and happiness you have today but remember what has happened in order for you to that. Do not let that be trampled on. Do not become consumed with materialistic ideals but consume yourself with what is morally right for this country... Protect it from Tyranny and hold those responsible for these acts to the fire.
Hold those in Washington accountable for every action they take. They are not there for us any longer. Only for themselves and we need to change that before this country gets to a point where there is no turning back. My family and I are not putting up with it any longer. I hope you won't put up with this tyranny any longer either. Let your voice be heard by any means possible. Do not be afraid of the few who continue to commit tyranny against us all.
Be proud of our country!
Love this country!
Stand up for this country!
Do not let this country be destroyed by the few who continue to commit tyranny against our great country!
I did not intend for this to be a soap box event but my heart aches as I watch what is happening to our great country. Please ask everyone you know to stand up for themselves also and speak out to those in Washington. We want to continue celebrating the greatness of this beautiful country. Do ever let that be taken away from us, forever.
Happy 4th of July to all Americans!
(You can share this with everyone you know. Just link to my blog and pass the word about standing up for what is right.)